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Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture
​Since when?

Although PRIMAR’s conversion to organic aquaculture started only in May 2002, its philosophical framework has been shaped for longer. PRIMAR’s commitment to the environment dates back to 1996. Several national and international campaigns have been conducted alongside governmental institutions, international agencies, NGOs and companies, seeking to contribute to sustainable development.

Since 1998 our concern with environmental issues has been published in congresses, specialized journals and academic reserch.

Get to know PRIMAR’s System of Organic Aquaculture 
No chemicals

PRIMAR’s System of Organic Aquaculture is free of chemicals, pesticides, transgenics, antibiotics and hormones. Our care in mimicking the organism's’ natural habitat in the culture ponds reduces animal stress, enhances survival, allows healthy growth and minimizes the risk of disease outbreaks. Production is accomplished through ecological management of the ponds, which benefits the cultured species naturally across the food chain.

Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture

To optimize usage of different ecological niches our ponds are stocked with species of distinct nutritional requirements, seeking balance and positive synergy among organisms.  Marine shrimps, oysters, crabs and fish, grow on the same environment, creating a natural ecosystem that enhances and protects biodiversity. Natural resources are managed sustainably in order to reduce environmental impacts both inside and surrounding the property. PRIMAR performs rigorous water quality monitoring through microbiological analyses the innocuity of its products.

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Viveiro 11

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